Alexander Viljaste working hard for a bright future

Colby Sherwin, Asst. News Editor

Alexander Viljaste is a sophomore Accounting and Finance major, on top of that he

is part of the Association of Future Accountants and Student Government Association. During his short time at Robert Morris, he has built a strong presence in the student body.

“Some roles I have on campus are I involved in the association of future accountants I’m also part of IMA and I do a lot of events on campus”

Being a part of so many different clubs means that he will have a lot of events on campus that have helped him grow into the leader he is.

“A lot of what we do with FMA is to reach out to the public accounting firms with students. We host a lot of networking events and we do a lot of soft skills work”.

Vilijaste has seen so many different events he gives some light on his favorite events that he has been a part of or even led at some points.

“I have two professional experience accounting days I thought was cool because we work with a lot of firms to help build my portfolio”

“Social wise it would be the Top Golf event we had I thought it was really cool hanging out with everyone”

With two years left till he graduates, Viljaste explains what he’s looking forward to most and what he hopes to accomplish.

“I’m looking forward to working FMA and meeting new people it makes it so fun to network and makes new connections”

When he is done with school Viljaste wants to get his CPA and is to build up enough credits to graduate and have great connections.

Anyone interested in joining AFA can email the organization at [email protected] or the organization’s advisor Dr. Gregory Krivacek at [email protected].