New interactive website provides another source for college students

New interactive website provides another source for college students

If you like, you’ll love  This newly launched site allows college students to rate and upload the syllabus to a class. Students will be able to use this as a tool to find out what courses they want to take without the hassle of adding or dropping classes when they do not like the class.

Syllabus Rate started with just one student who had the problem of adding and dropping classes to find the course load they preferred. Bryan Krajewski, a 21-year-old sophomore and marketing major at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) purchased the domain name in Jan. 2013 and launched the site that December.

“I liked to use Rate My Professors, but it just wasn’t thorough enough. I wanted to know everything about the class. I wanted to know what the class was about, what materials would be covered, grading policies, assignments, attendance policies, class expectations, and more,” said Krajewski.

With the help of his brother, Keith, Krajewski was able to fund the site and he continues to help with the funding. Krajewski drew up the plans for the site, but turned to Webty’s Publishing and Design for the creation.

The site was made to be user friendly and has a simple registration process for students to be able to upload to the site. Students using the site are able to see the classes before registering for class and view feedback from the other students.

Syllabus Rate is connected through social media for student access and promotional use. Syllabus rate can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and more. Krajewski has been visiting colleges and universities throughout the New York state to promote his new website and finding success.

“The other day I was passing out flyers for Syllabus Rate and I gave one to a kid, and he then said to me, “I don’t need this. I already use the site.” He then gave the flyer back to me. I thought that was pretty cool and I felt accomplished,” said Krajewski.

There are currently 25 to 50 schools in the United States using the site with it getting between a few hundred to a few thousand hits per day.

Robert Morris student, Keyauna Moore, wishes this site could have been of use to her.

“I think that it’s a really good tool for students especially in hard classes. I wish I would have had something like that when I was signing up for classes since I’m a senior. It seems like it is gonna help guide the type of work that you’re doing and an idea of the work that you’re going to be doing…I think that’s a really good idea,” said Moore.

Creating this site has been a rewarding experience for Krajewski and continues to be.

“The entire process of creating and launching has been very emotionally rewarding and fulfilling. I created a site that’s making students’ lives easier and a little less stressful, which is a great thing to do,” said Krajewski.

Students wishing to upload reviews or check out comments Syllabus Rate, visit