Spring break forever

In a few weeks it will be time to head off to a tropical location for spring break. What is the most important item to pack in your suitcase?

Bikini’s of course, and having the right ones are pivotal. There are numerous stores that sell bathing suits, but who wants to have a bikini that everyone else has? The answer is no one, and in order to set yourself apart you have to look other places.

I am a big online shopper and that is usually how I find my clothes; there’s no surprise that I find my bathing suites online as well. There are various websites that have unique and different bathing suites that you won’t find anywhere else. Mint Swim is by far my favorite, and has to-die-for bikinis. Mint Swim has become increasingly popular on the west coast but not many know of this brand around this area.

If this brand isn’t the brand for you, I have attached other links for girls to browse through and see what brand really suites them. Spring break sets the tone for the summer, and you want to start it out right!




