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The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

The news site of Robert Morris University

RMU Sentry Media

Mission Unstoppable: Michelle Patrick Reimagines Campus

Original Robert Morris sign!

As the excited energy returns to campus, there is one face sure to be found. Michelle Patrick is back and ready to serve as our University President. Empowered by fresh ideas and endless motivation, University President Patrick is ready to help RMU become unstoppable.

While many schools are student-focused, there is rarely a leader so selfless about their role. Michelle Patrick makes it clear that in everything she does, she consistently has the student body in mind and at heart.

Patrick displays the class of 2023 picture above her desk, and she will now be adding the class of 2027, as well as the classes still to come. With those pictures, Patrick reflects her selfless mindset. “I remind myself, everything we do, day in and day out at this university is because of each of you.”

Alongside grounding herself with the students she represents every day, Michelle Patrick preaches the message she has for all of those at Robert Morris. With the mantra, “The confidence to try, the freedom to fail, and the support to try again” students are prompted by an encouraging environment to grow and truly become unstoppable.

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President Patrick understands there’s importance of transparency in order to make the best out of students. Therefore, Patrick holds ‘Hangout with the President’ an informal meet and greet to meet the face behind the name, and a place to discuss ideas and opportunities for campus. Interested in hanging out with the President? Sign up now on Revolution!

No good environment is all work and no play, as Patrick prioritizes having a supportive, home feel. The campus has been busy over the summer with a multitude of changes and new facilities, all there for fun and ease to ensure Robert Morris University is the best it can be.

Within the Nicholson Center, the overall center of campus, there have been many changes over the summer. The biggest of these modifications has been the addition of the basement, the new hangout center for all students. “Go have fun in the Basement, because the Basement is the coolest place ever. Everyone wants to go down to the Basement and have fun.” From a movie room to pool tables, and even a stage, the Basement is sure to be a hit amongst the student body.

There are also many new convenient additions as well, such as lockers for commuters to utilize on the basement floor of Nicholson. As well, the new Concierge desk is sure to be a convenient hit. “Go to the concierge desk and say ‘What do I do about this’ and let them figure it out. How cool is that!”

Amongst all this new excitement, it’s easy to ask what’s next. Coming up on Oct 7th, Hockey returns to Robert Morris! Michelle Patrick expresses thanks to the community for all the support, expressing how “that’s an unstoppable story…”

As the class of 2027 begins its journey, and the class of 2024 begins to near the end, there is no lack of promise on campus. Promise for smiles, promise for growth, and promise of success. But most importantly, Michelle Patrick promises each and every student will become unstoppable.


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