Sentry Media’s staff share their favorite Thanksgiving traditions


Sentry Media Staff

MOON TOWNSHIP — While far from the newsroom this holiday, RMU Sentry Media wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Our editors decided to share our favorite part of the holiday, with our staff having fond memoires of family and football.

Garret Roberts, Editor in Chief – “While not a fan of Turkey, I always love seeing the family come together for one day. I also appreciate the last hurdle before it is appropriate to start blasting Christmas music 24/7.”

Nick Hedderick, CSN Editor in Chief – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is playing football with my cousins and then eating until I enter the sweet nirvana of a food coma.”

Jon Hanna, Sports Editor – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is hanging out with family and playing in the Hanna Family Turkey Bowl.”

Megan Shandel, Multimedia Editor – “My favorite part is the food, my aunt makes the best stuffing balls!”

Danica Teodoro, Chief Graphic Designer – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the free food (cause I’m a broke college kid), taking a nap or two after eating and the fact that it’s almost Christmas!”

Michael Delehanty, Assistant News Editor – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is getting together with family. Every year, before we eat, we stand around the table, hold hands, and say a prayer. This, to me, has always been something that defines the holiday.”

Jonah Hoy, Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor – “My favorite thing about thanksgiving is my mother’s pumpkin roll. The cream cheese and pumpkin mixes so well, all that anger strife just fades away with each bite.”

Gabby Rankin, Video Assistant – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is making desserts with my parents and grandparents the days leading up to Thanksgiving. I also like playing football with all my cousins.”

Allee Thompson, Webmaster – “It’s the Westminster Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day.”

Tyler Gallo, CSN Copy Editor – “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is going down to South Carolina to see family and friends I don’t get to see very often. While I won’t get to go this year, it’s still my favorite part.”