Career Development Session

October 28, 2013
12:20 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Today we went to the Career Development Session. It was really exciting because there were a lot of PR agencies and firms there. We walked in with our resumes and business cards and were ready to take care of business.

We talked to a lot of companies such as Taylor, The Garner Circle PR, Ketchum, and many more. I really enjoyed talking to these companies and handing out my business card to get my name out there.

The one company that I enjoyed talking to the most was The Garner Circle PR. We saw Nicole Garner earlier in the Conference during her session. We were standing in line to talk to her and as I was recording Michelle talking to her I finished up and introduced myself. Nicole stopped me before I could tell her my name and said “I already know who you are!” I couldn’t believe it! I asked her how she knew and she said that she saw me tweeting her during her session. I was beside myself and was so appreciative! We then bought her book and had her sign it. We took a picture with her and were on our way with big smiles on our faces.

Just goes to show how important social media is today.

I had a really great time at the Career Development Session. I definitely wanted to find an internship for the summer while I was there, but at least I got my name out there. I am really excited to go home and research the internship opportunities each company has!